The determination of the situation of climatology and air quality is necessary within the framework of environmental meteorological questions as well for the present as for the planned state of the planning project. Depending on the problem, we carry out the following steps of investigation:
- Scientific evaluation and analysis of existing data,
- Application of physical or numerical model simulations to determine the present and planned state of the planning project,
- Field experiments with stationary and mobile in-situ measurements and the use of remote sensing,
- Assessment and realization of the results.
Our investigation methods enclose:
- Three-dimensional numerical simulations of environmental meteorological and air quality situation,
- Investigations of temporal effects of environmental meteorology and air quality with a temporary network of monitoring stations,
- Investigation of micro-scale breezes and turbulence with sonic anemometers,
- Investigations of boundary layer winds and cold air dynamics with SF6- tracer measurements,
- Investigation of vertical atmospheric stability conditions with air-based measurements,
- spatial or local recording of environmental meteorological effects and environmentally relevant trace elements with a mobile laboratory.
For the evaluation and assessment of meteorological and air quality conditions in the case
of present or future stage, numerical simulation methods are used which consider effects
of buildings as well as vegetation and aerosol transport. With this tool you will
get information about turbulent exchange, aerosol transport and bioclimatic conditions
(especially thermal stress) in spatial high resolution.
In addition to temporarily installed networks of monitoring stations, mobile measurements and remote sensing techniques are used. Statements of environmental meteorology and air quality are possible with high resolution in space and time (8 metres respectively 3 minutes or less). The measurable components are air temperature, air humidity, wind velocity and direction, radiation components (e.g. global radiation, UV-radiation), radiation temperature, precipitation, as well as the recording of the atmospheric trace elements ozone, nitric monoxide, nitric dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, VOC, and dust (PMx).
The situation of air pollution of the investigation area can be shown with high spatial resolution based on air quality measuring trips. Additional air temperature measuring trips help to locate climatological environmental balance areas and cold production areas. Measurements of spreading tracer and sonic-based wind measurements are used to analyze the exchange conditions within the boundary layer, to identify ventilation paths and to determine the effect of cold air drainage into the build-up area.
Based on such investigations differentiated extensive statements can be derived for the measuring area. Afterwards, these statements will be included into synthetical climatic maps and planning advice maps in order to support urban and rural planning.
Finally climatic area informationen can be transformed to GIS-based area management systems for objective climatic assessement of development areas for public authorities. With this instrument it is possible to claculate the climatic quality of clusters of areas with heterogeneous land use type.